Gupta, Post-Gupta and Vardhan Dynasty One Liner Questions & Answers


Questions Answer
1 The Gupta dynasty ruled during – 319-500 A.D.
2 Which rulers had performed four Ashwamedhas? Pravarasena-I
3 Who is known as the Napoleon of India? Samudragupta
4 Who is called ‘the Napoleon of Ancient India’? Samudragupta
5 The first Gupta ruler to assume the title of “Param Bhagavata” was – Samudragupta
6 The Allahabad Pillar inscription is associated with which one of the following? Ashoka & Samudragupta
7 The Ashoka Pillar at Allahabad provides information about the reign of? Samudragupta
8 Prayag Prashasti tells about the military campaign of – Samudragupta
9 An inscription by whom on the pillar containing Prayag Prasasti of Samudragupta? Jahangir
10 Which of the following inscriptions reveals information about the Silk Weavers Guild? Dashpur Inscription
11 Prithivyah Pratham Veer’ was the title of – Samudragupta
12 The iron column, located in the courtyard of Delhi’s Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque is a retention of – Chandra
13 Which dynasty was distracted the most by the Hunas invasion? Gupta
14 The Hunas invaded India during the reign of – Skandagupta
15 Who among the following Gupta Rulers conquered Hunas? Skandagupta
16 The Gupta emperor who defeated the ‘Hunas’ was? Skandagupta
17 From which inscription it is known that Skandagupta defeated Hunas? Bhitari Pillar Inscription
18 Who is known as a ‘Saka-conqueror’? Chandragupta- II
19 Who was the first Gupta ruler to issue silver coins? Chandragupta- II
20 From the third century AD when the Huna invasion ended the Roman Empire, the Indian merchants relied more and more on the – South-East Asian trade
21 Which ports handled the North Indian trade during the Gupta period? Tamralipti
22 Centers located in Gujarat, Bengal, Deccan, and Tamil The country during the Gupta period was associated with which of the following – Textile manufacture
23 Who is known for his Ayurvedic thematic composition during the Gupta period? Sushruta
24 Which among the Nine Gems of Chandragupta was associated with Astrology? Kshapanaka
25 Kalidasa was in the ruling period of – Chandragupta- II
26 Which (among these) are Gupta’s gold coins? Dinara
27 The silver coins issued by the Guptas were called – Rupaka
28 Who was the first Gupta ruler to issue coins? Chandragupta-I
29 In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta period women and Sudras speak – Prakrit
30 Which is the main teaching of Gita? Nishkama karma yoga
31 The first inscriptional evidence of the Sati Pratha has been found from – Eran
32 Who established Gupta Samvat? Chandragupta- I
33 The gradual decline of towns was an important feature of which period? Gupta period
34 Which ruling dynasty donated the maximum number of villages to temples and Brahmins? Gupta Dynasty
35 In Ancient India, which dynasty’s rule was considered the Golden Age? Gupta
36 What was the land revenue rate in the Gupta age? Sixth part of the production
37 What is the land revenue rate in religious books? 1/6
38 What is a valid tax according to Hindu law? One-sixth of the yields
39 The Gupta Empire granted tax-free agrarian land to whom – Brahmins
40 Which type of land was called ‘Aprahat’? Without cultivated forest land
41 In ancient India, the irrigation tax was called – Bidakabhagam
42 In the 3rd AD, Warangal was famous for – Iron implements
43 Tormad was from the racial group of – Huna
44 Who defeated the Huna ruler Mihirakula? Yashodharman
45 Chinese traveler ‘Sungyun’ came to India in – 515 AD to 520 AD
46 The ancient Indian play Mudrarakshasa of Visakhadutt has its subject on – The ancient Indian play Mudrarakshasa of Visakhadutt has its subject on
47 In the ancient period, which Varna was also called ‘Sarthavaha’? Vaishya
48 With reference to the period of the Gupta dynasty in ancient India, the towns Ghantasala, Kadura, and Chaul were well-known as – ports handling foreign trade
49 The game of ‘Chess’ is said to have originated in – India
50 Mrichchhakatika’ is an ancient Indian book written by Shudraka that deals with – The love affair of a rich merchant with the daughter of a courtesan
51 Whose contribution is there in ancient Sankhya Darshan? Kapila
52 The system of philosophy propounded by Kapila Muni is – Sankhya Philosophy
53 Sankhya’ Philosophy is propounded by – Kapila
54 Who propagated ‘Yoga Darshan’? Patanjali
55 The inventor of Yoga was – Patanjali
56 When is International Yoga Day celebrated? 21 June
57 Which one of the following is not part of “Ashtanga yoga”? Anusmriti
58 The writer of Mahabhashya ‘Patanjali’ was a contemporary of – Pushyamitra Shunga
59 The founder of the school of Navya-Nyaya was – Gangesh & Udayana
60 “Live well, as long as you live. Live well even by borrowing, for once cremated, there is no return.” This rejection of the afterlife is an aphorism of the – Charvakas
61 Which is the highest value according to Charvaka? Kama
62 The Nyaya Philosophical system was propagated by – Gautama
63 The author of ‘Nyaya Darshan’ was – Gautama
64 Mimansa was initiated by – Jaimini
65 The theory of Karma is related with – Mimansa
66 Which schools of philosophy is of the opinion that Vedas contain the eternal truth? Mimansa
67 Which pairs does not form part of the six systems of Indian Philosophy? Lokayata and Kapalika
68 The Founder of Advaita Philosophy is – Sankaracharya
69 According to Advaita Vedanta, Mukti can be obtained? Gyana
70 Who is called the founder of Indian Atomism? Maharshi Kanad
71 Which philosophies of India propounded the atom theory? Vaisheshika
72 The Badami rock inscription of Pulakesin I is dated in the Saka year 465. If the same were to be dated in Vikrama Samvat, the year would be – 601
73 A Chalukya inscription is dated in the year 556 of the Saka era. It is equivalent to – 634 A.D.
74 According to Puranas, the prime place of Chandravanshi’s ruler was – Pratishthan Pur
75 The Capital of Maukharri was – Kannauj
76 Information regarding the time of Harsha is contained in the books of – Kalhana
77 Who has written the ‘Harshacharita’? Banabhatta
78 Emperor Harsha had shifted his capital from Thaneshwar to – Kannauj
79 Harshavardhana organized two great religious conventions – Kannauj and Prayaga
80 he place in U.P. where Harsh Vardhana organized the Buddha mega convention – Prayag
81 Emperor Harsha’s Southward march was stopped on the Narmada River by – Pulakeshin-II
82 who had defeated Harshavardhana? Pulakeshin II
83 The Chalukyan ruler Pulakesin’s victory over Harsha was in the year – 618 A.D.
84 In whose reign period the Chinese Traveller Hiuen-Tsang visited India? Harsh
85 Which Chinese traveler visited India during Harshavardhana’s rules? Hiuen-Tsang
86 Which phrases defines the nature of the ‘Hundi’ generally referred to in the sources of the post-Harsha period? A bill of exchange
87 The famous Chinese pilgrim Fa-Hien visited India during the reign of – Chandragupta II
88 During Hiuen Tsang’s tour in India’s most famous city for the production of cotton clothes – Mathura
89 The term ‘Kausheya’ has been used for – Silk
90 Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang studied at the University of – Nalanda
91 The major reason behind remembering Hiuen-Tsang is – Composition of Sei-Yu-Kei
92 The Chinese traveler who visited Bhinmal was – Hieun Tsang
93 The famous Travelogue ‘Si-Yu-Ki’ is linked with – Hiuen-Tsang
94 Chinese writers mention India by the name of – Yin-tu
95 Nalanda University was destroyed by – Muslims
96 Nalanda Vihar was destroyed by– Bakhtiyar Khalji
97 The most ancient monastery in India is – Nalanda
98 Nalanda is located in – Bihar
99 During the Gupta Period, the main business center was – Kannauj
100 In travel through India, Fahhien mentioned a hospital, it was located at – Pataliputra
101 The Chinese Pilgrim who visited India in the early 6th century was – Sung Yun
102 Adi Shankar who later became Shankaracharya was born in – Kerala
103 Where are the four monasteries established by Adi ‘Shankaracharya’ situated? Joshimath, Dwarka, Puri, Sringeri