Category: BPSC Prelims
1. Which of the following is the only UNESCO World Is Heritage Site present in Bihar State of India? (a) […]...
1. The three thermal power stations in Bihar run on coal are (a) Chandrapur, Panchet, Barauni (b) Bokaro, Panchet, Chandrapur […]...
1. The Barh Super Thermal Power Station (BSTPS) is located in which state? (a) Bihar (b) Karnataka (c) Rajasthan (d) […]...
1. The National Highway that passes through Bihar is (a) N.H. No. 3 (b) N.H. No. 8 (c) N.H. No. […]...
1. The oldest culture from Chirand of Bihar is (a) Palaeolithic culture (b) Mesolithic culture (c) Neolithic culture (d) Chalcolithic […]...
1. Rivers belonging to which one of the following groups form the boundary between Bihar and Uttar Pradesh? (a) Kamla, […]...
1. Which city in Bihar is famous for wildlife sanctuary and national parks? (a) Hazaribagh (b) Nalanda (c) Gaya (d) […]...
1. Which state has the lowest literacy rate according to the 2001 Census Report? (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh […]...
1. The contribution of agricultural and allied sectors in the Gross State Value Added (GSVA) of Bihar state was BBBBB […]...
1. Which city of Bihar is surrounded by five hills? (a) Gaya (b) Patna (c) Bhagalpur (d) Bodh Gaya (e) […]...