Vitamins and Nutrition One Liner Questions & Answers
Question | Answer | |
1 | Nutraceuticals are products which have – | Nutrient and medicinal effect |
2 | Funk invented – | Vitamins |
3 | What are vitamins? | Organic Compound |
4 | Which groups of compounds is called an ‘accessory dietary factor’? | Vitamins |
5 | Which are water-soluble vitamins? | Vitamin B and C |
6 | Living organisms require at least 27 elements, of which, 15 are metals. Among these, those required in major quantities include – | Potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium |
7 | Apples have special value for heart patients because they are a rich source of – | Potassium only |
8 | How do antioxidants help a person maintain health and promote longevity? | They neutralize the free radicals produced in the body during metabolism. |
9 | What is the role of anti-oxidants in the human system? | They protect cells against the effects of free radicals. |
10 | The vitamin which is found in citrus fruits is necessary for maintaining healthy skin is – | Vitamin C |
11 | The main source of Vitamin ‘C’ is – | Raw and fresh fruits |
12 | The best source of Vitamin C is – | Gooseberry |
13 | Which fruit is the richest source of Vitamin C? | Amla |
14 | The chemical name of Vitamin C is – | Ascorbic Acid |
15 | The richest source of Vitamin ‘C’ is – | Orange |
16 | Which vitamins is helpful for the healing of a wound? | C |
17 | Vitamin ‘C’ helps in the absorption of which of the following elements? | Iron |
18 | Which vitamins do not get stored in the body? | Vitamin C |
19 | Which vitamin deficiency causes the disease of slow blood coagulation? | Vitamin K |
20 | Which vitamins is mainly responsible for blood coagulation in human beings? | Vitamin K |
21 | Which vitamin is responsible for blood clotting? | Vitamin K |
22 | Which vitamins are effective in blood clotting? | Vitamin K |
23 | Which vitamins are used as an antidote to anticoagulant poisons? | Vitamin K |
24 | The source of vitamin D is – | Sun rays |
25 | The vitamin available from sun rays is – | Vitamin D |
26 | Which vitamin is formed in the skin in the presence of sunlight? | Vitamin D |
27 | The Deficiency of Vitamin D causes the disease – | Rickets & Osteoporosis |
28 | What is found in the composition of vitamin D? | Calciferol |
29 | Which vitamins is known as ergocalciferol? | Vitamin D2 |
30 | The common name of the chemical compound ‘Cholecalciferol’ is – | Vitamin D |
31 | Deficiency of which vitamin can cause night blindness? | Vitamin A |
32 | In the human body, vitamin A is stored in – | Liver |
33 | Which one of the contains more vitamin A content? | Carrot |
34 | Which is the richest source of vitamin A? | Mango |
35 | Which vitamin is essential for normal vision? | Retinol |
36 | Which vitamin contain cobalt – | Vitamin B12 |
37 | Which metal is present in the vitamin B12? | Cobalt |
38 | Cobalt is present in which vitamin? | Vitamin B12 |
39 | Cyanocobalamin is – | Vitamin B12 |
40 | Thiamine is – | Vitamin B1 |
41 | A person will suffer from beriberi, rickets, and scurvy if he is not taking adequate amounts of – | Vitamins B1, D, and C |
42 | Which vitamins are helpful in keeping a dream in memory for a longer duration? | Vitamins B6 |
43 | Riboflavin deficiency causes which of the following diseases? | Cheilosis |
44 | Bananas accepted as most calories fruit has what amount of calories per 100 gm – | 116 Kcal |
45 | Legumes are highly nutritious because they are rich in – | Protein |
46 | The highest protein content is found in – | Soyabean |
47 | Which food grains is richest in protein? | Soyabean |
48 | The highest protein content is found in the grain of – | Soyabean |
49 | A rich source of both protein and fat is – | Groundnut |
50 | The substance responsible for bread-making quality in wheat is – | Glutein |
51 | Daily energy required by a hard worker man is – | 4000-kilo calorie |
52 | How many calories are gained by drinking a glass of water? | Zero |
53 | An essential constituent of diet is – | Carbohydrate |
54 | The major food fuel during exercise of long duration is – | Carbohydrate |
55 | The element that maintains a balance between acidity and alkalinity in our body is – | Phosphorus |
56 | Which vegetable is a rich source of iron? | Spinach |
57 | Iron content is found maximum in – | Green vegetables |
58 | Grains of basmati rice get elongated on being cooked because of a higher content of – | Amylose |
59 | The saccharide present in milk is – | Lactose |
60 | Which bacteria cause milk to spoil? | Lactobacillus |
61 | What converts milk into curd? | Bacteria |
62 | Cow’s milk is slightly yellow in color due to the presence of – | Carotene |
63 | Cow milk is yellowish-white in color due to the presence of – | Carotene together with casein |
64 | What is the average fat content of buffalo milk? | 7.20% |
65 | Rennin and lactase, the enzymes required to digest milk, disappear in the human body by the age of – | Eight |
66 | Milk protein is digested by which of the following enzymes – | Rennin |
67 | Casein is milk – | Protein |
68 | The white color of milk is due to the presence of – | Casein |
69 | Which proteins is found in milk? | Casein |
70 | The tissues are formed in the body by | Protein |
71 | The slow growth of the human body is caused due to the deficiency of what? | Proteins |
72 | Which one is not micronutrient? | Sulphur |
73 | Which is the main vitamin found in Papaya? | Vitamin ‘C’ |
74 | What is not a natural source of Vitamin A? | Milk |
75 | What does not denature a protein? | Infrared rays |
76 | Protein requirements of young and old people are – | Higher in the old and lower in the young |
77 | Daily intake of proteins, recommended for a moderately active woman is – | 45 g |
78 | How much protein a lactating mother requires in a daily diet? | 70 grams |
79 | Mother’s milk provides an almost complete diet for the new-born, but it lacks – | Iron |
80 | Besides proteins and carbohydrates, other elements of nutritional value found in milk, include – | Calcium and potassium |
81 | Starch is a – | Polysaccharide |
82 | Linseed is a rich source of – | Omega-3 fatty acid |
83 | Which eatables is the best source of all the essential amino acids? | Egg |
84 | Fat present below the skin surface in our body acts as a barrier against – | Loss of heat from the body |
85 | In which category of food is the most amount of calories per unit – | Fats |
86 | The substance which makes up about 80 of the living material in most organisms is – | Protein |
87 | Consumption of fish is considered to be healthy when compared to the flesh of other animals because fish contains – | Polyunsaturated fatty acids |
88 | What is triglyceride? | Fats |