Plants : Economic Importance One Liner Questions & Answers
Questions | Answers | |
1 | ‘Kanchan’ is an improved variety of – | Indian Gooseberry |
2 | The hybrid variety of mango developed from the cross of Neelum and Alphonso is – | Ratna |
3 | Litmus–the acid–base indicator is obtained from – | Lichen |
4 | Tulsi plant has medicinal values due to the presence of the following – | Phenols and Flavonoids |
5 | Which leguminous plant is also a petroplant? | Pongam |
6 | The first bio–diesel plant of the country is being established in – | Andhra Pradesh |
7 | Which plant is used for ‘bio–diesel’ – | Jatropha Curcas |
8 | Which plant is known as a biodiesel plant? | Jatropha |
9 | In the context of alternative sources of energy, ethanol as a viable bio–fuel can be obtained from – | Sugarcane |
10 | Molasses is an excellent raw material for – | Power Alcohol |
11 | We obtain chilgoza from the seed of species – | Pine |
12 | The chief mosquito repellent is obtained from – | Margo (Neem) |
13 | Soft drinks such as cocoa contain significant quantities of – | Caffeine |
14 | The alkaloid caffeine is present in – | Tea and Coffee both |
15 | The most important stimulant present in tea leaves is – | Caffeine |
16 | Seaweeds are an important source of which one of the following? | Iodine |
17 | ‘Kuttu’ flour is obtained from – | Fagopyrum |
18 | In making the saffron spice, which one of the following parts of the plant is used? | Stigma |
19 | Which part of peppermint has the maximum percentage of oil? | Leaf |
20 | Which substances are obtained from a tree? | Asafoetida |
21 | Asafoetida is obtained from – | Exudation from the stem & Extraction from roots |
22 | Quinine which is a major drug for malaria is obtained from – | Angiosperm |
23 | Quinine, the effective medicine in the treatment of malaria, is extracted from – | Bark of Cinchona |
24 | Quinine, used to treat malaria is obtained from which plant’s part? | Bark |
25 | In which part of the cinchona plant quinine occurs naturally? | Bark |
26 | The Arteether medicine which is used to cure malaria is obtained from a – | Seeded Plant |
27 | The drug obtained from the bark of cinchona was used for treating malaria. The synthetic drug which replaced the natural product is – | Chloroquine |
28 | Hydroxychloroquine drug used for the treatment of CORONA patients is obtained from the bark of which of the following plants? | Cinchona |
29 | Cork is obtained from which of the following plant? | Quercus |
30 | Tapa cloth is obtained from the plants of which family? | Moraceae |