NeSDA Framework
Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DARPG) under Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (MoP, PG&P) launched third edition of the NeSDA portal, this portal displayed the performance of States, Union Territories (UTS) and Pre-determined Central Ministries in delivering e-Governance service to citizens.
NeSDA Framework
- Launched in 2018 by the DARPG, to check the effectiveness of existing e-Governance Service delivery mechanisms from the citizen’s perspective.
- DARPG undertakes NeSDA study biennially, helping the respective authorities to improve their delivery of citizen centric services and shares best practices across the country.
- Department previously released two editions of NeSDA, viz. NeSDA 2019 and NeSDA 2021.
- In NeSDA 2021, 1400 services cross all States and UTs were evaluated as compared to 872 in 2019.
- 74% of respondents of the nationwide citizen survey, satisfied with the e-service provided by governments.
- E-service of Finance and Local Governance & Utility Service Sectors were most popular among citizens.
- Additions in the NeSDA 2023 framework are proposed under following dimensions:
- Portal Coverage: All assessed Government Portals assessed during NeSDA are classified into two categories viz.:
- State, UT, Central Ministry Portal and
- State, UT, Central Ministry Services Portals
- Portal Coverage: All assessed Government Portals assessed during NeSDA are classified into two categories viz.:
- Framework covers G2B services across seven : Finance, Labour, Employment, Education, Local Governance Utility Services, Social Welfare (including Health, Agriculture, Home Security), Environment (including Fire) and Tourism Sectors.