Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (Concept)


  • Emotion is affective state of intelligence.
  • Affective means something pertaining to feelings or emotions.
  • e.g. Joy, Sorrow, hate or fear.


  • It is set of cognitive abilities which allow us to acquire knowledge, to learn or to solve.

Emotional Intelligence

  • It is working of Heart & Head combined.
  • Refers to attributes such as understanding one's feelings, empathy for others and regulation of emotions.

What does the Ability Model says about EI?

Mayer and Salovey, in their Ability Model define EI as

  • EI is combination of Ability to perceive emotions +  Reasoning with emotions + Understanding & Managing emotions.
  • It is process of emotional and intellectual growth.

Mixed Model of Daniel Goleman

Goleman gave 5 domains to define EI

  1. Being Self aware
  2. Managing Emotions
  3. Having self-motivation
  4. Recognizing the emotions of others
  5. Handling relationship

Utilities & Application in Administration & Governance

Why EI is important in Civil Service?

  • Fast changing social structure in era of globalization
  • Increasing divide – Regional, Economic, Digital etc.
  • Decentralisation of DM
  • Increased cynicism and contempt of politics and administration.
  • Increasing agitation and aggression.
  • Political pressure and outdated laws.
  • Use of discreationary power.
  • Need to supplement legal code with ethical code.
  • Handling complex situation of crisis or disaster.
  • Need of better coordination in organisation to implement policies.

EI in Administration & Governance

  • Recruitment – Invaluable in selecting and recruiting right person for the job.
  • Predicting Performance – EI to predict job performance and hence enable better planning.
  • Negotiation – Use of EI in finding win-win solution during negotiations.
  • Performance Management – Self perception and analysis of other's view important for performance.
  • Peer Relationships – Good networking skills increase effectiveness and efficiency.

EI & Work Attitude

EI regulate and decide work attitude and work behaviours in following ways.

  • Job Satisfaction
  • Organizational Commitment
  • Work-Family Conflict
  • Job Performance