Women and Men in India Report-2022
India’s sex ratio (females per 1,000 males) is expected to improve to 952 by 2036, up significantly from 943 in 2011, according to the Women and Men in India 2022 report released on March 15, 2023.
Women and Men in India Report -2022
- Released by: National Statistical Office, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation
- Objective: A Statistical Compilation of Gender related Indicators of India
- Issue: 24 Issue (annual)
Key Points
- The total population is expected to reach to 152.2 crore during 2036 with a slightly improved percentage of female population (48.8).
- 735 million people or 60.7% of India’s population was in the working age group ie. 15-59 years in 2011 and this population group is expected to increase over the years and would reach 988.5 million in 2036.
- Due to increasing longevity, population 60 years and above are projected to increase from 101.5 million in 2011 to 227.4 million in 2036.
- Sex ratio in case of rural areas is expected to increase from 949 in 2011 to 969 in 2036 whereas in urbant areas it is expected to hover around 929 with al decline to 926 in 2036.
- Primary level, GER was recorded at 103.4 in 2021- 22.
- Female GER at higher secondary level was 58.2 in 2021-22 (39.4 in 2012-13).
- At this level, during 2020-21, GER of female was recorded at 27.9 which was slightly more than male GER of 26.7
- LFPR of female population is far behind than that of male population in the age group of 15 years and above (77.2 for males and 32.8 for females in 2021- 22) and the disparity has remained almost the same over the years.