Rajya Sabha has been transformed from a ‘useless stepney tyre’ to the most useful supporting organ in past few decades. Highlight the factors as well as the areas in which this transformation could be visible.
विगत कुछ दशकों में राज्य सभा एक ‘उपयोगहीन स्टैपनी टायर’ से सर्वाधिक उपयोगी सहायक अंग में रूपांतरित हुआ है। उन कारकों तथा क्षेत्रों को आलोकित कीजिये जहाँ यह रूपांतरण दृष्टिगत हो सकता है। (250 words)
Rajya Sabha has been transformed from a ‘useless stepney tyre’ to the most useful supporting organ in past few decades. Highlight the factors as well as the areas in which this transformation could be visible. (250 words) 15