Planning One Liner Questions & Answers


Questions Answers
1 Under the Constitution of India, Economic Planning is a subject – In the Concurrent List
2 The Development, Monitoring, and Evaluation Office, which monitors the progress of long-term policies in an attached office under – NITI Aayog
3 Which was called as Economic Cabinet of India by Ashok Chandra? Planning Commission
4 The National Development Council is mainly concerned with – Approval of Five-Year Plans
5 Who is the Chairman of the National Development Council? Prime Minister of India
6 The author of the book titled ‘Planning and the Poor’ is – B.S. Minhas
7 The National Development Council was constituted on – 6 August 1952
8 Which is the final authority in India to approve Five Year Plans? National Development Council
9 In which year was the ‘Planning Commission’ set up in India? 1950
10 Planning commission is constituted in India – By a resolution of the Cabinet
11 The Planning Commission of India is – A constitutional body
12 NITI Aayog came into existence on – 1st January, 2015
13 The Government of India has established NITI Aayog to replace the – Planning Commission
14 In the Government of India’s NITI Aayog, which is an economic policy-making think tank, what is the full form of NITI?
National Institution for Transforming India
15 Who was the first Vice-Chairman of the NITI Aayog? Arvind Panagariya
16 According to NITI Aayog which State is at the top in the India Innovation Index 2019? Karnataka
17 The ex-officio chairman of the Planning Commission is – Prime Minister of India
18 ‘India Vision 2020’ is prepared by – S.P. Gupta Committee
19 At present, where from the maximum resources mobilized for India’s public expenditure under plans? From borrowings
20 Under the Gadgil-Mukherjee Formula, the higher weightage is given to – Population
21 ‘National Planning Committee’ was set up by – Subhash Chandra Bose
22 The Gandhian Plan was expounded in 1944 by – Shriman Narayan Agarwal
23 Who opposed Planned Development in India? Mahatma Gandhi
24 Who drafted the ‘Sarvodaya Plan’? Jai Prakash Narayan
25 The Rolling Plan’ for backward countries was suggested by – Myrdal
26 The ‘Rolling Plan’ concept in National Planning was introduced by – The Janata Government
27 In which year ‘Rolling Plan’ was in operation in India? 1978-79
28 The major objective of Indian Five-Year Plans is –
Self-reliance and reduction of dependence on foreign aid
29 The period of the 12th Five-Year Plan is – 2012-2017
30 During the 12th Five-Year Plan, the growth rate of agriculture, forestry, and fish farming has been estimated to be – 4.00%
31 According to the government estimates during the 12th Five Year Plan, the infrastructure sector will require an investment of – 1000 billion
32 The main objective of the 12th Five-Year Plan is –
Faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth
33 The author of the book titled ‘Planning and the Poor’ is – B.S. Minhas
34 Who authored the book, ‘Planned Economy for India’? M. Visvesvaraya
35 According to the Approach Paper of the 11th Five Year Plan, with the achievement of targeted growth rate and population growth at 1.5 percent per annum, the real income of the average Indian would double in – 10 years
36 In the 11th Five-Year Plan, which of the following sectors accounts for the maximum combined Central, State, and U.T. expenditure? Social sector
37 The rate fixed for industrial development in the Eleventh Plan is – 10.5 percent
38 Target for annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product during the Eleventh Five Year Plan is – 9.0 percent
39 Inclusive growth as enunciated in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan does not include one of the following – Strengthening of capital market
40 What is the theme of the Eleventh Five Year Plan for the education sector? Compulsory elementary education
41 How many IITs (Indian Institute of Technology) will be set up in the Eleventh Five Year Plan? 8
42 The growth rate target of the Tenth Five Year Plan is – 8 Percent
43 During the Tenth Five Year Plan, the growth rate was highest in – Pulses and oilseeds
44 The growth rate percentage for the 9th Five-Year Plan has been targeted – 6.50%
45 In which Five Year Plan, the Economic Development rate was maximum? Tenth Five-Year Plan
46 The Plan Holiday refers to the period – 1966-69
47 Twenty Point Economic Programme’ was first launched in the year – 1975
48 Core sector in the planning means – Selected basic industries
49 ‘Yojana’ magazine is being published by – Publications Division