“Gross Domestic Climate Risk’ Report

According to “Gross Domestic Climate Risk’ report “Majority of the Indian states are at a great risk of damage to the built environment due to climate change hazards, according to a new report Gross Domestic Climate Risk”.

About the Report

  • The repon was published by Australia-based Cross Dependency Initiative or XDI.
  • Most vulnerable countries: China has the highest number of provinces in the top 50 most climate risk-prone territories of the world, followed by the United States.
    • Together, China, India and the US make up over half the states and provinces in the top 100.

India’s Climate Risk Profile for 2050

  • The 14 Indian states in the top 100 in the world for damage risk all share flooding as their main hazard- Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Haryana, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
    • Bihar is set to be the most climate-vulnerable region in India by 2050 with a global rank of 22nd, according to the report
    • It is followed by Uttar Pradesh and Assam. with 25th and 28th ranks respectively.