Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology One Liner Questions & Answers
Questions | Answers | |
1 | What is the Cas9 protein that is often mentioned in the news? | A molecular scissors used in targeted gene editing |
2 | In the context of recent advances in human reproductive technology, “Pronuclear Transfer” is used for – | Prevention of mitochondrial diseases in spring |
3 | Which one was the first successful cloned animal? | Sheep |
4 | Scientists of N.D.R.I., Karnal (Haryana) developed the second clone of which on the following animals? | Gibbon |
5 | Garima II is the name of a – | Cloned buffalo |
6 | Which country has produced the first transgenic glowing pigs that are all green from the inside out? | Taiwan |
7 | Injaz, is the name of the world’s first clone – | Camel |
8 | In the case of a test–tube baby – | Fertilization takes place outside the mother’s body |
9 | The sequencing of the entire genes of an organism was done in 1996. That organism was – | Yeast |
10 | World level program ‘Human Genome Project’ is related to – | Identification and mapping of human genes and their sequence |
11 | What is the application of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Technology? | Reproductive cloning of animals |
12 | Hybridoma technology is a new biotechnological approach for commercial production of – | Monoclonal Antibodies |
13 | Insect–resistant cotton plants have been genetically engineered by inserting a gene from a/an – | Bacterium |
14 | The micro–organism which is associated with the production of Bt cotton is a – | Bacterium |
15 | Bollgard I and Bollgard II technologies are mentioned in the context of – | Developing genetically modified crop plants |
16 | A genetically engineered form of brinjal, known as the Bt. brinjal has been developed. The objective of this is – | To make it pest–resistant |
17 | Bt brinjal is – | A genetically modified Brinjal |
18 | Which is a microbial insecticide? | Bacillus Thuringiensis |
19 | Bacillus thuringiensis is used as – | Biological insecticide |
20 | Indian farmers are unsatisfied with terminator seed technology because it increases the possibility of – |
Growing of plants which are not capable of producing germinable seeds
21 | Golden rice is – | A transgenic rice having the gene for carotene |
22 | Golden rice is rich in – | Vitamin A |
23 | For which desirable character the transgenic crop ‘Golden Rice’ is produced? | Vitamin A |
24 | The Golden Rice contains the β–carotene gene which comes from – | Daffodil |
25 | ‘Super rice’ was developed by – | G.S. Khush |
26 | Amniocentesis is a method used to determine the – | Foetal sex |
27 | Who synthesized the DNA in vitro? | Arthur Kornberg |
28 | Biochip contains – | RNA, DNA and Protein |
29 | Genico Technology is – | Technique for pre–information regarding genetic diseases |
30 | Which is used in genetic engineering? | Plasmid |
31 | The basis of DNA fingerprinting is – | DNA polymorphism |
32 | The latest technique used to establish the identity of a human being based on biotechnological principles is – | DNA fingerprinting |
33 | The first crime ever solved using the DNA fingerprinting technique was in England in the year – | 1983 |
34 | The powder used for developing fingerprints on a multi–colored surface is – | Fluorescent Powder |
35 | Change in the base sequence within the gene is called – | Mutation |
36 | When one gene controls two or more different characters simultaneously, the phenomenon is called – | Pleiotropy |
37 | In gene therapy, to correct the functioning of a faulty gene – | A Defective gene is stopped from working |