Daily Current Affairs (One Liner) – 21 December 2023

हिंदी में पढ़ें

1. The Gelephu Special Administration Region (SAR), that was recently in news, is located in which country? – Bhutan 


2. The proposed International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) will not pass through which of the given countries? – Uzbekistan


3. The terms “JN.1” and “Pirola”, that were recently making news, are related to which of the following? – Covid-19


4. Recently, Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) was making news for undertaking minimum support price operations for cotton in India. Where are headquarters of Cotton Corporation of India (CCI)? – Mumbai 


5. Swarved Mahamandir, which is World’s Largest Meditation Centre, inaugurated recently is located which city?- Varanasi 


6. ‘Bhoomi Rashi Portal’ is an initiative of which ministry? – Ministry of Road Transport and Highways


7. In which state is the International Gita Seminar and Gita Mahotsav being organized? – Haryana