Constituent Assembly and making of the Constitution One Liner Questions & Answers


Question Answer
1 The idea of the Preamble has been borrowed from Indian Constitution from the Constitution of – U.S.A.
2 The concept of “A Union of States in the Indian Constitution” has been derived from – The British North-American Act
3 In Indian political system who is supreme? The Constitution
4 The concept of ‘Judicial Review’ in India has been adopted from the Constitution of – U.S.A.
5 The feature of the Federal system of the Indian Constitution is inspired by the constitution of – Canada
6 The Indian Parliamentary System is different from the British Parliamentary System in that India has – The system of judicial review
7 The system of judicial review exists in – India and U.S.A.
8 Which characteristic is common between the Federal system of India and America?
A Federal Supreme Court for Interpretation of the Constitution
9 The Concurrent List included in the Indian Constitution is given by? Australia
10 The concept of ‘the Directive Principles of State Policy’ in the Indian Constitution has been adopted from the Constitution of – Ireland
11 In giving representation to talent, experience, and service in the composition of the Council of States, the Constitution makers of India were influenced by the example of – Irish Republic
12 The concept of Fundamental Rights, as incorporated in the Indian Constitution has been adopted from – U.S.A.
13 The concept of Fundamental Duties has been taken from – Russian (Former Soviet Union) Constitution
14 Who was the first nominated Deputy Chairman of the Constituent Assembly? Frank Anthony
15 The tradition of the written Constitution began from which country? America