Articles Of The Constitutions One Liner Questions & Answers
Question | Answer | |
1 | The Indian Constitution consists how many articles? | More than 400 Articles |
2 | How many parts, Articles, and Schedules were there in the original Indian Constitution? | 22 Parts, 395 Articles, and 8 Schedules |
3 | How many States and Union Territories were established by the 1956, State Restructuring Act? | 14 States, 6 Union Territories |
4 | Total number of Schedules in the Constitution is – | 12 |
5 | The Indian Constitution is divided into how many parts? | 22 Parts |
6 | Which part of the Constitution contains provisions relating to citizenship? | Part II |
7 | Which part of our Constitution envisages a three-tier system of Panchayats? | Part IX |
8 | Which part and chapter of the Indian Constitution deal with the legislative relation between the Union and the States? | Part XI and Chapter I |
9 | If a new state of the Indian Union is to be created, which Schedules of the Constitution must be amended? | First |
10 | Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of India deals with? | Allocation of seats for the Council of States |
11 | Under which Schedule of the Constitution of India can be transfer of tribal land to private parties for mining be declared null and void? | Fifth Schedule |
12 | Which languages is not included in the VIII Schedule of the Constitution? | English |
13 | Coelho’s case is related to which Schedule of the Constitution of India? | Ninth |
14 | To give constitutional protection, state land reform laws have been included in the – | 9th Schedule |
15 | The Ninth Schedule was introduced in the Constitution of India during the prime ministership of – | Jawaharlal Nehru |
16 | Under the Constitution of India, Economic Planning is a subject – | In the Concurrent List |
17 | Prevention of cruelty to animals is listed in which list of the Indian Constitution? | Concurrent List |
18 | What is the subject of the Concurrent List? | Criminal Matters |
19 | Which Entry is the subject of the Concurrent List? | Population control and family planning |
20 | Which List and Entry of the Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution is related to the election of the legislature of the State? | List–I, Entry 72, List -II, Entry 37 |
21 | Which Subjects lies in the Concurrent List? | Education |
22 | Education which was initially a state subject was transferred to the Concurrent List by the – | 42th Amendment |
23 | Which Schedules of the Constitution of India contains provisions regarding Anti-defection law? | Tenth Schedule |
24 | The Preamble to the Constitution of India is – |
A part of the Constitution but has no legal effect independently of other parts
25 | In which list of the Indian Constitution the ‘Panchayati Raj’ subject is included? | State List |
26 | ‘Marriage,’ ‘Divorce’ and ‘Adoption’ are an entry in the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution under which list? | List III – Concurrent List |
27 | The right of the government to impose taxes and fees is provided in which List of Constitution? | VII Schedule |
28 | Land Reform comes under the subjects of – | State List |
29 | Which Schedule of the Constitution of India contains special provisions for the administration and control of Scheduled Areas in several states? | Fifth Schedule |
30 | Provisions of Schedule sixth of the Constitution does not apply to which state? | Manipur |
31 | The Constitutional status has been given to Panchayats under Article – | 243 |
32 | The provision that “no bill imposing tax can be introduced in the Legislature except on the recommendation of the President” is covered in the Constitution of India under which article? | Article 117 |
33 | Which articles of the Indian Constitution provides for All-Indian Services? | Article 312 |
34 | Under which Article of the Indian Constitution there is a provision for the High Courts for Union Territories? | Article 241 |
35 | In which article of the constitution Adult Suffrage is recognized? | Article 326 |