Measurement/Unit – Old Year Questions

1. In the following which is fundamental physical quantity?

(a) Force
(b) Velocity
(c) Electric current
(d) Work
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above

[66th B.P.S.C. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2020]


2. The unit of power is –

(a) Hertz
(b) Volts
(c) Watt
(d) Neutron

[U.P.P.S.C. (GIC) 2010]


3. The unit of electric power is :

(a) Ampere
(b) Volt
(c) Coulomb
(d) Watt
(e) None of the above / More than one of the above

[65th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2019, 64th B.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018]


4. The unit of the force is –

(a) Faraday
(b) Fermi
(c) Newton
(d) Rutherford

[M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1990]


5. The unit of work is :

(a) Joule
(b) Neutron
(c) Watt
(d) Dyne

[U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1996]


6. Frequency is measured in

(a) hertz
(b) metre/second
(c) radian
(d) watt
(e) None of the above / More than one of the above

[64th B.P. S.C. (Pre) 2018]


*9. ‘Ohm-meter’ is a unit of :

(a) Resistance
(b) Conductance
(c) Resistivity
(d) Charge
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above

[66th B.P.S.C. (Pre) (Re. Exam) 2020]


11. A light-year is the –

(a) Year which had maximum sunlight
(b) Year in which workload was very light
(c) Distance travelled by light in one year
(d) Mean distance between Sun and Earth

[U.P. Lower Sub. (Mains) 2013]


14. Which one of the following is a reason why astronomical distances are measured in light-years?

(a) Distances among stellar bodies do not change
(b) Gravity of stellar bodies does not change
(c) Light always travels in straight line
(d) Speed of light is always same

[I.A.S. (Pre) 2021]


*15. A parsec, a unit of distance used to measure the distance related to the stars in the sky, is equal to –

(a) 4.25 light-years
(b) 3.25 light-years
(c) 4.50 light-years
(d) 3.05 light-years

[R.A.S./R.T.S. (Pre) 1999]


17. Which unit of measurement is multiplied by 0.39 to convert it to ‘inches’?

(a) Millimetre
(b) Centimetre
(c) Metre
(d) Decimetre

[U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2010]


18. How can the height of a person who is six feet tall, be expressed (approximately) in nanometre?

(a) 183 × 106 nm
(b) 234 ×106 nm
(c) 183 × 107 nm
(d) 181 × 107n m

[I.A.S. (Pre) 2008]


19. A nanometre is equal to –

(a) 10-6 cm
(b) 107 cm
(c) 10-8 cm
(d) 10-9 cm

[U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2013]


20. Ampere is the unit of –

(a) Voltage
(b) Electric current
(c) Resistance
(d) Power

[Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2005]


21. Megawatt is the measuring unit of power which is –

(a) Generated
(b) Consumed
(c) Saved
(d) Lost in transmission

[U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 1998]


22. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below :

List-I List-II
(Physical quantities) (Units)
A. Acceleration 1. Joule
B. Force 2. Newton second
C. Work done 3. Newton
D. Impulse 4. Metre/second²

Code :

(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 2 3 4 1
(d) 4 3 1 2

[U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2005, U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2001]


*23. Which one of the following SI units is not correctly matched?

(a) Work – Joule
(b) Force – Newton
(c) Mass – kg.
(d) Pressure – Dyne

[U.P. Lower Sub. (Pre) 2013]


24. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using codes given below :

List-I List-II
(Units) (Parametric quantities)
A. Watt 1. Heat
B. Knot 2. Navigation
C. Nautical mile 3. Speed of a ship
D. Calorie 4. Power

Code :

(a) 3 1 4 2
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 4 3 2 1
(d) 2 4 1 3

[U.P. U.D.A./L.D.A. (Pre) 2002]


25. Match the following :

A. Joule 1. Current
B. Ampere 2. Power
C. Watt 3. Work
D. Volt 4. Electric potential

Code :

(a) 3 1 2 4
(b) 1 2 3 4
(c) 4 3 2 1
(d) 1 3 2 4

[U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1990]


*26. How many watts are there in a horsepower?

(a) 1000
(b 750
(c) 746
(d) 748

[M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 1991]


27. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(a) Knot – Measure of speed of ship
(b) Nautical mile – Unit of distance used in navigation
(c) Angstrom – Unit of wavelength of light
(d) Light year – Unit of measuring time

[U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2010]


*28. Angstrom is a unit of

(a) wavelength
(b) energy
(c) frequency
(d) velocity
(e) None of the above / More than one of the above

[64th B.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018]


*29. Match List-I (Quantity) with List-II (Units) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List I List II
A. High speed 1. Mach
B. Wavelength 2. Angstrom
C. Pressure 3. Pascal
D. Energy 4. Joule

Code :

(a) 2 1 3 4
(b) 1 2 4 3
(c) 1 2 3 4
(d) 2 1 4 3

[U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2006, I.A.S. (Pre) 1999]


30. ‘Joule’ is related to energy in the same way as ‘Pascal’ is related to :

(a) Mass
(b) Pressure
(c) Density
(d) Purity
(e) None of the above

[Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2015]


*32. One micron represents a length of –

(a) 10-6 cm
(b) 10-4 cm
(c) 1 mm
(d) 1 m

[U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2011]


*33. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(a) Decibel – Unit of sound intensity
(b) Horsepower – Unit of power
(c) Nautical miles – Unit of naval distance
(d) Celsius – Unit of heat

[U.P.P.C.S. (Spl.) (Mains) 2004, U.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2001]


34. Which one of the following is not the unit of heat?

(a) Calorie
(b) Kilocalorie
(c) Kilojoule
(d) Watt

[M.P. P.C.S. (Pre) 2016]


*35. Which one of the following is not the unit of heat?

(a) Centigrade
(b) Calorie
(c) Erg
(d) Joule

[U.P. R.O./A.R.O. (Pre) 2017]


36. A distance of 1 km. means –

(a) 100 m.
(b) 1000 cm.
(c) 1000 m.
(d) 100 cm.

[45th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2001]


*37. One pikogram is equal to –

(a) 10–6 gram
(b) 10–9 gram
(c) 10–12 gram
(d) 10–15 gram

[42nd B.P.S.C. (Pre) 1997]


39. What is the unit of pressure?

(a) Newton / sq. metre
(b) Newton-metre
(c) Newton
(d) Newton/metre
(e) None of the above / More than one of the above

[64th B.P.C.S. (Pre) 2018]


*40. The unit of pressure is

(a) kg/cm²
(b) kg/cm
(c) kg/mm
(d) kg/cm³
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above

[65th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2019]


*41. What is the unit of atmospheric pressure?

(a) Bar
(b) Knot
(c) Joule
(d) Ohm

[Chhattisgarh P.C.S. (Pre) 2008]


*42. 1 kg/cm² pressure is equivalent to :

(a) 0.1 bar
(b) 1.0 bar
(c) 10.0 bar
(d) 100.0 bar

[Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2002]


43. Which one of the following quantities does not have unit?

(a) Stress
(b) Force
(c) Strain
(d) Pressure
(e) None of the above/More than one of the above

[65th B.P.S.C. (Pre) 2019]


*44. 1 barrel of oil is equal to which of the following?

(a) 131 litre
(b) 159 litre
(c) 179 litre
(d) 201 litre

[U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2009]


*45. The smallest unit of length is –

(a) Micron
(b) Nanometre
(c) Angstrom
(d) Fermimetre

[U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2005]


*46. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists.

List – I List – II
A. Cusec 1. Pressure
B. Byte 2. Intensity of Earthquake
C. Richter 3. Rate of flow
D. Bar 4. Computer

Code :

(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 3 4 2 1
(c) 4 3 2 1
(d) 3 4 1 2

[U.P. Lower Sub. (Spl.) (Pre) 2008]


47. What is measured in cusec?

(a) Purity of water
(b) Depth of water
(c) Flow of water
(d) Quantity of water

[Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2006]


48. Which one of the following is the unit of measure of the thickness of the ozone layer of the atmosphere?

(a) Knot
(b) Dobson
(c) Poise
(d) Maxwell

[Uttarakhand P.C.S. (Pre) 2010]


Key Facts for Revision

  • 1 inch = 2.54 cm
  • 1 ft = 12 inch
  • Dyne is a unit of force that is used in the CGS system.
  • The knot is used to measure the speed of a ship.
  • 1 horsepower is equal to 746 watts.
  • The Angstrom is a unit of length, usually used to measure the wavelength of light.
  • The Mach number is a way to compare the speed of something to the speed of sound.
  • One micron is equal to 10-6 meters
  • Heat energy is measured using the calorie, erg and joule.
  • Mass is measured in small units called Milligrams (10-3 grams), Micrograms (10-6 grams), Pikograms (10-12 grams) and Femtograms (10-15 grams).
  • The bar is a metric unit of pressure, although it is not part of the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as equal to 105 newtons per square meter. To clarify, 1 bar is equivalent to 105 pascals. 1 kg/cm² pressure is equivalent to 1 bar.
  • Strain is unitless.
  • 1 barrel = 159 litre
  • 1 litre = 0.oo1 cubic metre
  • 1 barrel = 42 U.S. gallon
  • 1 barrel = 35 U.K. gallon
  • A micron is equal to 10^-6 meters.
  • A nanometer is equal to 10^-9 meters.
  • An angstrom is equal to 10^-10 meters.
  • A fermi (femtometer) is equal to 10^-15 meters.
  • Cusec stands for cubic feet per second and is a way to measure how much water is flowing (28.317 litres per second)
  • Dobson unit, which is the same as 0.01 mm thickness of ozone layer.